Nature's Code for ever-evolving Harmony in Diversity and Empathy with all of Life

Offered by Dr. Shelley Ostroff
The Vitality Code refers to Nature’s primary code and principle of self-organizing and self-regulating thriving living systems. The Vitality Code ensures that all parts of a living system receive precisely what they need in order to manifest their unique potential in mutual nourishment with the interconnected whole. It is a code that cultivates whole-system health and healing with exquisite efficiency.
The Vitality Code recognizes that for humans to thrive the entire planetary ecosystem must thrive. As we self-organize in alignment with the Vitality Code, we learn to attend to all parts of the biosphere (people, animals, rivers, soil, social systems, ecosystems, climate etc.), ensuring that each receive precisely what they need to play their unique role in our interdependent Web of Life.
The Vitality Code recognizes that our talents do not belong to us alone. As in all of Nature, our unique gifts are nourished by the whole and must, in turn, nourish the whole. This understanding of the profound interdependence and complementarity of all parts of the whole inspires us to learn from and with Nature about deeply cooperative, efficient and Life-enriching energy stewardship.

Applying the Vitality Code to how we re-invent our social systems including governance, economy, education, agriculture, infrastructure, media, justice and others, provides an uncompromising anchor and life-affirming compass for managing our current global levels of complexity with Nature’s efficiency and precision.

You are invited to explore the Vitality Code through these resources:
VIDEO (top of the page): Eco-Governance & The Vitality Code
ARTICLE: Eco-Governance & The Vitality Code
RADIO INTERVIEW: Dr. Shelley Ostroff speaking about The Vitality Code
REFLECTIVE QUESTIONS: 7 Days of Rest & Radiant Diversity ~ Journey into the Vitality Code