“It is probable that the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community, a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the earth.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh
Welcome to an overview of the growing global community of 350+ diverse organizations, networks and movements that have endorsed Codes for a Healthy Earth. You can learn more about their inspiring work and visit their website by clicking on their name.
ADN Alianza por los Derechos de la Naturaleza
AFFEW ( A Few Friends for the Environment of the World)
Animal and Nature Communicators
A Solution to Plastic Pollution
Boulder Jerrahi Tekke
CANA - Christians Awakening to New Awareness
Cecilia St. King - Inner Peace Troubadour
Cercle Sacré Anishinabe Sacred Circle
Charter for Compassion Women & Girls
Círculo Hostelería y Turismo en Podemos
Climate Change and Consciousness
Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force
Consciously Co-Creating A New World Story
Crystal Sound and Light Institute
Daring to Hope at the Cliff's Edge
Education for Sustainable Development Kenya
Elders Council for Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies
Global Council of Indigenous Women
Global Water Dances Performance Kollektiv Berlin
Global White Lion Protection Trust
Green Earth Computing Incorporated
Horsechestnut Winds/Arts and Learning thru Movement
In Harmony With Nature Wolf Sanctuary
Insight Out Visionary Healing Arts
Institute for Humane Education
Institute for Sustainable Urbanisation (ISU)
International Climate Change Development Initiative Africa
Koginka Sewaluna Foundation Albion
La voie des 13 mères originelles
Living in Heart Centered Gratitude
Love Mother Earth, Global Sisterhood, Worldwide Women's Support Circle, Worldwide Spiritual Circle
Lo Zuccotto Magico - Ecovillage
Maine Chapter of Citizens for Global Solutions
Matrivershka Peace Innovation Ecosystem
May Peace Prevail On Earth International
Monarch Messenger Ministries
Nepal Water Conservation Foundation
New Earth Consciousness Healing
NiceFuture Association & Fondation pour le Vivant
Organisation for Noetic Ecology
Our Universal Church Of Unconditional Love
Pacific Indig.e.Net Foundation
Peace Valley - A Virtual Sanctuary
Permaculture Association (Britain)
Practical Inspiration community ❤ & Together organization
Psychedelic Integration Of Boston
Rainbow Feather Tribe
Roof Farm - ecological urban community
Shakti Centre for Integrated Spiritual and Social Transformation
SisterArt ~ Conscious Creatives
South African Organic Sector Organization
Te Wairua O Te Moananui-Ocean Spirit
The Bhakti Barn
The Holistic Education Foundation and Co-Lab CIC
The Indigenous Partnership for Agrobiodiversity and Food Sovereignty (TIP)
The School of creativa consciousness
TRUST Climate Action Strategists
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of McMinnville
Vast Expanse
Watu Health Innovation Summit Foundation Africa
Wisdom Council of the Starlit Well
Women Peacemakers: What We Can Learn From Them