An Evolving Solutions Guide for Ensuring
the 7 Core Needs of all Humans and Animals Are Met
It is not a question of cost, but of priority. Bringing water and sanitation to all would cost $10 billion a year.
That is about the same as Europe spends on ice cream.
— Richard Jolly, chairman of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
($10B is about 0.52% of the annual military expenditures and about 0.67% of the annual income of the pharmaceutical industry.)

This evolving Resource Guide builds on the Solutions Guide by focussing specifically on inspiring resources, initiatives and topics that are related to the 2nd Primary Task of Eco-Governance, which is to ensure the 7 Core Needs of all Humans and Animals are met in the shortest possible time through guaranteed access to:
Living Soil
Healthy Water
Vitalizing Food
Fresh Clean Air
Physical and Emotional Safety
Comfortable Shelter
The conditions and resources needed for all to realize their unique potential – in mutual enrichment with their communities and ecosystems.

Explore All Core Needs

Overview of Contents with Links to Each Section
(You can also use the anchor menu on the left to navigate between sections)

Challenges to WATER
Current Context
Four billion people — almost two thirds of the world’s population — experience severe water scarcity for at least one month each year.
More than 2.1 billion (30% of all) people do not have access to safe drinking Water.
771 million people don’t have clean water close to home.
1.7 billion people don't have a decent toilet of their own.
Half of the world’s population could be living in areas facing water scarcity by as early as 2025.
Globally, Water pollution accounts for 80% of all infectious and deadly diseases.
Water-borne diseases account for 80% of all deaths in the Global South.
Primary Causes
Industrial Agriculture
Animal Factory Farms
Plastic Pollution
Water Contamination and Fluoridation
Commodification / Water bottling
Aquifer depletion / Water scarcity
Fossil fuel extraction
Radiation Contamination
Oil leaks / spills
Pharmaceutical contamination
Electromagnetic Radiation

Whole-System Solutions ~ HEALTHY WATER
See also the Solutions Guide for additional resources
Water-retention Landscapes | Water Stories
Regenerative, water-friendly agriculture
Agroforestry / Food Forestry: What is a Food Forest?

What Can I / We Do - Now?
Become a Water-wise "Prosumer"
- Top Green Tips: WATER | EKO NOIZ
- How Does Plastic Pollution Harm Water?
Eat local, organic plant-based food
Use 100% natural and biodegradable:
Cleaning products
Watershed management in Bundelkhand, India.
Reefs At Risk - Hawaii bans sunscreens with oxybenzone
Urban Drought Solutions: Rainwater Harvesting
with Andrew Millison. Watch his amazing series HERE
20 DIY Natural Cleaning Recipes, Tips & Hacks:
Find the recipes HERE.

Documentaries, Short Films & Talks
Connecting with & Protecting Water
Speaking to the Water with Pat McCabe: How to tap into the magic and mystery of water. (5 mins)
The Voice of a River: In 1979, Mark Dubois chained himself to a rock behind New Melones Dam in the USA’s Stanislaus River Canyon and threw away the key.
Why lakes and rivers should have the same rights as humans | Kelsey Leonard. (17 mins)
WE ARE WATER: Healing Our Relationship With Water: with Patricia Furtado
"Planting" Water ~ Healing Earth and Sky
Our Water, Our Future tells the story activists and their advice for communities facing water grabs around the world. (18 mins)
The Water Harvester | Brad Lancaster (27 mins)
Ecological Restoration of Kapiriggama Cascade Tank System (29 mins)
What is the Water Paradigm? Charles Eisenstein shares research findings that global warming is, to a large extent, caused by disruptions in the hydrological cycle. (15 mins)
The Story of Al Baydha: (20 mins)
Reviving Rivers: Power of Peoples' Engineering | Rajendra Singh (17 mins)

Water-Friendly Agriculture
Sadhana Forest - Greening the Planet from the Grassroots (6 mins)
Water can be planted - Ernst Götsch (7 mins)
Ensuring Access to Water
Solving The Global Water Crisis in 7 Minutes | Hamza Farrukh (19 mins)
Anupam Mishra: The ancient ingenuity of water harvesting (19 mins)
How to solve the global water crisis | Marla Smith-Nilson (14 mins)
FLOW: For The Love Of Water. Trailer.

Additional Resources
Women of the world sing the Algonquin water song for all to share
Regenerative Water | Substack
Book: A New Water Paradigm ~ Water for the Recovery of the Climate by Michal Kravcik (English and Slovenian):
Educational Resources for Teachers and Students ~ Cool Australia:
Blue: The Film
Take 3 for the Sea: Years 4 to 6 ~ Years 7 to 10

Summits and Conferences
There are many Water Summits offer an extraordinary variety of talks and panel discussions by world leaders in the field of soil regeneration – all for free.
Hydration Solution Summit — learn from leading experts about the ways and benefits of proper hydration (and so much more!):