What Can I / We Do - Now?
Buy and Eat Local and Organic
Learn How to Grow Organic Food:
Harvest Wild Foods:

Documentaries, Short Films & Talks
THE NEED TO GROW | Trailer. Register to watch full documentary (96 mins) HERE.
Food For Change (24 mins) | Happen Films

Additional Resources

Summits and Conferences
The Soil Regen Summits offer an extraordinary variety of talks and panel discussions by world leaders in the field of soil regeneration – all for free.
Explore All Core Needs

An Evolving Solutions Guide for Ensuring
the 7 Core Needs of all Humans and Animals Are Met
The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.
— Ann Wigmore
Over 1 billion pounds of pesticides are used in the US each year and approximately 5.6 billion pounds are used worldwide. In many developing countries programs to control exposures are limited or non-existent.

This evolving Resource Guide builds on the Solutions Guide by focussing specifically on inspiring resources, initiatives and topics that are related to the 2nd Primary Task of Eco-Governance, which is to ensure the 7 Core Needs of all Humans and Animals are met in the shortest possible time through guaranteed access to:
Living Soil
Healthy Water
Vitalizing Food
Fresh Clean Air
Physical and Emotional Safety
Comfortable Shelter
The conditions and resources needed for all to realize their unique potential – in mutual enrichment with their communities and ecosystems.

Explore All Core Needs

Overview of Contents with Links to Each Section
(You can also use the anchor menu on the left to navigate between sections)

Challenges to FOOD
Current Context
There is more than enough food produced in the world to feed everyone on the planet.[1]
As many as 829 million people worldwide go to bed hungry each night.[1]
70 percent of the global food supply is produced by small-scale farmers, yet they are especially vulnerable to food insecurity – poverty and hunger are most acute among rural populations.[1]
An estimated 14 million children under the age of five worldwide suffer from severe acute malnutrition.[1]
One-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally. This amounts to about 1.3 billion tons per year, worth approximately US$1 trillion.[2]
All the food produced but never eaten would be sufficient to feed two billion people. That's more than twice the number of undernourished people across the globe.[2]
In developing countries, 40% of losses occur at post-harvest and processing levels.[2]
In industrialized countries, more than 40% of losses happen at retail and consumer levels.[2]
[1] - https://www.actionagainsthunger.org/world-hunger-facts-statistics
[2] - https://www.wfp.org/stories/5-facts-about-food-waste-and-hunger
Primary Causes
Globalized & Centralized Food Systems
Industrial Agriculture / Chemically Grown Food
Animal Factory Farms
Reduced Diversity
Highly Processed Food
Synthetic Additives & Preservatives
“Junk” & Fast Food
Genetic “Modification” / “BioFortification”
Irradiation / de-naturing
Pharmaceutical and Government propaganda of what a ‘healthy food diet’ looks like
Lack of education and understanding about nutrition and nutritional health
Lobbying and profit-driven food policies

Whole-System Solutions ~ VITALIZING FOOD
See also the Solutions Guide for additional resources
Regenerative, Water-Friendly Agriculture/Agroforestry: See links in Living Soil Resource Guide