We, Citizens of Earth, unite in love and concern for our planetary home and all its inhabitants. We come together as one humanity, across national, cultural and ideological boundaries, to restore the well-being of all Life on Earth... and work to implement holistic healing and rehabilitation strategies that prioritize the most vulnerable communities, species and ecosystems.
— from Codes for a Healthy Earth
Water is the source and sustenance for All Life on Earth. Every human being is born of Water. Ecosystems and human communities evolve around Water. Thus, if humanity is to effectively heal the trauma and damage we have caused to ourselves, other species, and our natural environment, it would be common sense to start with the most fundamental element of Nature upon which all of Life depends — Water.
Imagine if we, Citizens of Earth, would focus our collective intelligence, resources, skills, and accumulated wisdom on the uncompromising healing of our planetary Waters and Water-cycle, working together to ensure that all humans and animals have guaranteed access to natural, uncontaminated Water.
The World Water Law invites all of humanity to hold each other and every organization, business, sector and government fully accountable for our impact on Water. Ultimately, the World Water Law activates a whole-system healing intervention that addresses many of the root causes of our global challenges.
The World Water Law and World Water Year 2021 is the first global initiative towards the implementation of Codes for a Healthy Earth, and will officially launch as a global petition on June 24, World UNITY Water Day, during World UNITY Week
This global initiative honors the many Water Guardians around the world who have dedicated their lives to the protection and reverence of Water on behalf of all of Life.