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HUMANITY RISING: A Global Solutions Summit
By Ubiquity University
A circle of inspiring women leaders reflecting on Codes for a Healthy Earth as a unifying framework for rapid and radical whole-system healing and transformation.
By Climate Healers
Interview by Dr. Sailesh Rao with Dr. Shelley Ostroff

Dr Julie Krull: All Things Connected
Dr. Julie Krull has initiated a series of interviews with different global leaders and change-makers to talk about their own work and their unique perspective on how Codes for a Healthy Earth offers the foundations for a collective healing pathway forward.
Co-founder of GOOD of the WHOLE, Dr. Julie Krull, is a best-selling author and visionary teacher for the evolution of consciousness and the good of the whole. We are deeply inspired and grateful for her initiating a podcast series dedicated to Codes for a Healthy Earth, on her radio show, All Things Connected. In this series, Julie interviews leaders from diverse sectors who speak about ways in which they see the Codes as relevant to their own vision and work toward planetary healing. You can learn more about these interviews on our evolving media page and follow Dr. Julie Krull at All Things Connected.

Codes for a Healthy Earth with Dr. Shelley Ostroff
The urgent and complex global challenges we face will not be resolved from within the same systems that created them. Today, people of all cultures and ages are rising up around the world to demand a fundamental transformation of how we organize ourselves as a species. Citizens of Earth are uniting around a whole-system healing framework that effectively supports citizen-led self-organizing at the local and global levels. Join us the first riveting conversation in a series about Codes for a Healthy Earth: Cultivating Peace with All of Life with co-initiator of the Codes and founder of Together in Creation, Dr. Shelley Ostroff.
The Vitality Code with Dr. Shelley Ostroff
The Vitality Code is a term for Nature’s primary code and principle of self-organizing and self-regulating thriving living systems. For humans to thrive the entire planetary ecosystem must thrive. As we self-organize in alignment with the Vitality Code we learn to attend to all parts of the biosphere (people, animals, rivers, soil, social systems, ecosystems, climate etc.), ensuring that each receive precisely what they need to play their unique role in our interdependent Web of Life.
Peace with All Life with Dr. Sailesh Rao
Imagine a radically inclusive, equitable human society that is in harmony with a thriving natural world. You are invited to wake to the notion that compassion for all life is infinitely sustainable. Sailesh Rao, founder of Climate Healers, talks about compassion and the Codes for a Healthy Earth: Cultivating Peace with All Life.

Healthy Earth: From Codes to WholeWorld-View with Dr. Jude Currivan
Whole-systems health begins with a shift in worldviews from separation and fear to unity and love. Tune into the wisdom of Cosmologist, Jude Currivan, as she talks about linking up and lifting up—how the Codes for a Healthy Earth support the embodiment of a WholeWorld-View.

Healing the Earth with MiraMichelle and Jeevan
The urgent and complex global challenges we face will not be resolved from within the same systems that created them. Today, people of all cultures and ages are rising up around the world to demand a fundamental transformation of how we organize ourselves as a species. Join MiraMichelle, founder of Sacred Female Rising Institute, and her 18-year old son, Jeevan, as we talk about the radical promise within Codes for a Healthy Earth.

Many Cultures, One Human Family, Healthy Earth with Ben Bowler
Imagine an intercultural, inter-generational and interfaith collective joining forces to amplify the impact of all people and groups working to make the world a safer and more inclusive place. Ben Bowler and his team at UNITY EARTH weave threads of unity within the colorful diversity of the human family and the ecosystems that sustain us. Listen in as Ben talks about Codes for a Healthy Earth and how it fosters that unity and peace across the planet.

Feminine Consciousness, Healthy Earth with Clare Dubois
Feminine consciousness, wisdom and leadership are vital ingredients in humanity’s evolution into a “restorer species.” Women, in sisterhood, are poised to take collective action for the environment, for Earth and all her inhabitants. Clare Dubois, Founder of TreeSisters: women seeding change, shares when we experience our natural and Nature-connected selves, through embodied wholeness, we can’t help but care deeply for the health and healing of the planet.

Impacting Generations for a Healthy Earth with Makasha Roske
In the face of escalating social and ecological breakdown, millions of people around the world are calling for a fundamental system change. Co-founder of World Family, Earth Guardians, and principal focalizer for international festivals and link-ups for world peace including World Invocation Day Festivals, the John Lennon Tribute, Harmonic Convergence, Campaign for the Earth, and the Children’s Torch of Hope, Makasha Roske adds a perspective of gifted wisdom and accomplished experience to the conversation.

Co-creating a Healthy Earth with Katharine Roske
Imagine a co-creative culture dedicated to the health of Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. As we consciously align with Spirit, Nature and the true essence of ourselves, we have the innate capacity to co-create whole-systems health. Co-Executive Director of Hummingbird Transformational Living Center, Katharine Roske explore how Codes for a Healthy Earth can help humanity to realize our co-creative potential.

Rediscovering our place in Nature, Healthy Earth with David Suzuki
We are creatures of the Earth who depend on its gifts of air, water, soil, and sun energy. A healthy earth is essential for a healthy life. We are challenged to reestablish and redesign our life to live in harmony with nature. Explore the deep spiritual needs, rooted in nature, that are a crucial component of a loving world. Discover how adopting the Codes for a Healthy Earth can create an ecologically sustainable, satisfying, and beautiful future with David Suzuki of the David Suzuki Foundation.
Shamanic Wisdom, Healthy Earth with Robin Tekwelus Youngbloodi
Beliefs and principles of indigenous eco and earth-based spirituality have long served to wake humanity to the responsibilities of stewarding a healthy earth. By honoring the connection between all beings and assisting all creatures to live in balance and harmony, we have the capacity to create whole-systems health. Join Robin Tekwelus Youngblood as we explore the deeper wisdom in Codes for a Healthy Earth.