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"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change
the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.
That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."

—  R. Buckminster Fuller 



Codes for a Healthy Earth is offered as a foundational, whole-system healing framework that is open to ongoing evolution and refinement. The vision for "the Codes” was inspired by the work of the Global White Lion Protection Trust. The document was initially drafted by Shelley Ostroff and Yan Golding from Together in Creation, and has evolved through a collaborative and consultative process with a growing global network of partners from over 30 countries on all continents. The framework can be freely adopted – in its integrity – by any group or movement as a collective compass for coordinated citizen-led action towards the healing and regeneration of the planet and all its inhabitants.  

Codes for a Healthy Earth is inspired by and builds on numerous pioneering declarations, charters, manifestos and guiding principles including The Earth Charter, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Nature, The Universal Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and others (see partial list below). Together, these documents offer a wealth of wisdom, global goals, principles, policies and solutions that could – if implemented – ensure the health and vitality of the planet and all its inhabitants for generations to come. 


Codes for a Healthy Earth launched globally on International Peace Day, September 21st, 2019. The “Codes” are founded on the premise that as long as there is oppression anywhere within the Community of Life – true peace cannot exist. To achieve genuine and lasting World Peace, it is essential that we cultivate Peace with All of Life.

To support the implementation of Codes for a Healthy Earth, this website will soon offer a link to an evolving online platform dedicated to effective citizen self-organization, called Citizens for a Healthy Earth.

With immense gratitude to all those who support and contribute to the evolution of Codes for a Healthy Earth in so many different ways!

Content Contributors:

Grian A. Cutando, Thomas Pijnenborgh, Alon Eliran, Marianne Soisalo, Daiara Tukano, Maxime Senza, Adam Collett, Ben Bowler, Michael Timmerman, Suresh Lelle, Mira Michelle, Jeevan Morgan Kress-Jones, Julie Krull, Eyal Bloch, Tristan Le Comte, Misha Teasdale, Marco Zubieta, Sharon Rosen, Rabbi David Rosen, Clara Centeno, Adelaide Asiamah, Ivan Sellers, Erik Van Lennep, Jean-François Noubel, Lily Weisberger, Rocío Madreselva, Yael Treidel, Eva van der Zand, Manu Trindade, Sailesh Rao, Melissa Koch, Olivier Clerc, Ben Roberts, Luc Lutala, Carol Manetta, Kate Trnka, Charles Blass



Coordination and Spanish - Rocio Madreselva, Rocio Madreselva

Spanish - Grian A Cutando, Avalon Project

French - Samuel Ayivi - Children of the Earth

French - Clara Centeno 

French - Flora Magnan - United4Earth

French - Julien Rou 

Portuguese - Manuel Trindade - Zen Vouga

Brazilian Portuguese - Fabiano Porto - Regeneração Global

Dutch - Sanne van de Vliet 

Dutch - Jannah Wijfels - mindFoolness

German - Marion Haak-Schulenburg - Musicians Without Borders

Hebrew - Nirit Sharon - Yachad Babriyah - יחד בבריאה

Hebrew - Yael Treidel - Women Wage Peace

Tamil - Venkata Balanethiram 

Tamil - Nagesh Hidden

Tamil - Murali Meenakshi Sundaram

Arabic - Tarek Muazen 

Italian - Maribel Fombella 

Italian - Alessia Martinoli

Hindi - Shivika Khurana

Greek - Carmen Elías 

Coordination for Indian languages - Madhavi Kolte - Climate Healers of Pune

Inspiring Charters, Manifestos, Declarations and Guiding Principles


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Co-Creating a Thriving World for All of Life

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