Restoring Right Relationship with All of Nature
Eco-Governance affirms that ensuring the uncompromising protection and restoration of all Foundations of Life is our first primary task as a species. As humanity, we are fortunate to still have access to much of the timeless indigenous wisdom that teach us how Mother Earth and each of the Foundations of Life are living beings, and how we can live to honor them in a Good Way. There are also many people who are learning and cultivating the abilities to communicate with other species and other consciousnesses; and to give voice to their wisdom and guidance.

The First Primary Task of Eco-Governance
is to protect and restore right relationship with the Foundations of Life:
Web of Life

World UNITY Week 2022
The Eco-Governance framework was first publicly unveiled during World UNITY Week 2022, where each day was dedicated to a Foundation of Life. Every day there were diverse events dedicated to the daily theme, including plenaries hosting international speakers and grassroots leaders (shown below) exploring the following questions:
How can we restore the right relationship with the Foundations of Life?
Why is this so important?
How can we unite as humanity to take this forward?

Vandana Shiva and Linda Tucker
Chief Phil Lane. Jr., Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq and Mindahi Bastida
Shelley Ostroff, Daniel Christian Wahl and Isabel Friend
Pat McCabe and Anne Poelina
Patricia Anne Davis, Sister Dr. Jenna and A’Marie B Thomas
Susan B. Eirich, Rutendo Ngara
and Sunil Chauhan
Anita Sanchez, Richard Rudd
and Jude Currivan

7 Days of Rest & the Foundations of Life
7 Days of Rest, January 1-7, is an annual, open co-creative event dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants. Each year a growing global community generously share and enjoy a rich array of offerings, including wisdom teachings, meditations, music, inspirations and more. The abundance of offerings from all the years, since 2018, remain freely available for all to explore.
7 Days of Rest & Reflection 2019 was dedicated to learning from and restoring right relationship with the sacred Foundations of Life—Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Climate, Biodiversity and the Web of LIfe. SInce the 2019 event the Foundations of Life have been a recurring "Gateway", which is a page dedicated to a particular theme.