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“Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.”
— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Codes for a Healthy Earth offers a foundational framework that can be used in different ways to inspire and support learning and action for whole-system healing and transformation. The potential of the Codes to impact how we move forward as a species, lies in our capacity to align, collaborate and self-organize creatively and effectively.
Pioneering partners are already finding creative ways to support Codes for a Healthy Earth through translation, technical support, media programs, advocacy, integration of the Codes into their organizational values and strategy, learning programs, artistic offerings, and more. As more and more individuals and organizations from diverse sectors and cultures engage with the Codes, new pathways for supporting the Codes and for the Codes to support the work of the community will emerge. The field is open for inspiration and co-creation.
If you would like to stay informed about the ongoing evolution of related initiatives and join the upcoming online community platform, please be sure to endorse the Codes and sign up for the newsletters.
Immediate Ways to Support Codes for a Healthy Earth
Join the global community of active supporters and sign up as a volunteer.
Follow the evolution of the Codes and supporting initiatives on the website, through the newsletter, and on social media.
Share the website and social media platforms (Facebook page and group for now) with your networks and spread the word.
Share insights, ideas, inspirations and resources related to the Codes on the community group until the upcoming community forum is online.
Initiate a creative group within your existing circles and organizations to explore ways of supporting the adoption and implementation of the Codes and share these with the global community.
If you are connected to influential people or groups aligned with the Codes, invite them to consider endorsing the Codes and sharing them with their networks and communities.
Let the Codes ignite your heart and passion! Let's get creative, take initiative and inspire each other into a new global reality!
As an evolving global initiative, Codes for a Healthy Earth offers many diverse opportunities for supporting and co-creating. We're especially interested in web development, translation, administration, social media management, coordination, fundraising, software & contact database management, graphic design, and video editing & production.
If you feel inspired to share your skills, creativity, resources etc. please fill out this Volunteer Sign Up Form.
Additional Ideas for Bringing the Codes to Life
Codes for a Healthy Earth provide a variety of tools and pathways through which we can engage on the personal, local, regional, national and global levels towards whole-system health and vitality. Codes for a Healthy Earth can serve, for instance, as:
A common ground for uniting collectives, networks and movements from different sectors.
Principles, purpose, a vision and a strategy for citizen-led self-organization for whole-system healing and transformation.
Guidelines for opening a global conversation around how to best organize and collaborate across cultures for whole-system health and healing.
A foundation for developing educational programs and/or integrating them into existing ones.
Practices for evolving a compassionate and responsible lifestyle that is aligned with the good of the whole.
A constitution or mandate for regenerative communities, organizations and businesses.
A platform for political leaders aligned with the good of the whole.
A political platform with which citizens can lobby leaders and parties to adopt and potentially co-create new transnational and trans-political parties that work to ensure the adoption of the Codes by governments worldwide.
Guidelines for decision-making, conflict transformation and leadership.
A framework for sector and field-leaders to align their roles with the global good.
Creative inspiration for artistic awareness-raising.
A collective language for whole-system health and healing pathways that can enrich and transform our current cultural narratives and public discourse.
An invitation to discover many other potentials inherent in the Codes and engage with them in innovative ways.
If you have any ideas to add to this list and/or if you have or would like to integrate the Codes into your community or initiative, please feel welcome to share your contributions in the community space on facebook.
We will soon be providing an online platform where initiatives supporting the Codes can be shared more broadly with the emerging global community of Citizens for a Healthy Earth. The platform will enable members and citizen-led initiatives, to gather and share tools, knowledge, resources and pathways for mutual support, co-creation, and cultural re-education. In this way, the platform will serve to align, streamline and amplify our efforts towards exponential whole-system healing and transformation.
We will share more about the platform in upcoming newsletters. Please note that for now we are still a very small team, so we kindly request your patience with communications. We are very grateful to all who are offering to help in various ways, and we are working to create effective channels for all to be able to share their gifts in support of the fullest manifestation of the Codes.
We will soon be providing an online platform where initiatives supporting the Codes can be shared more broadly with the emerging global community of Citizens for a Healthy Earth. The platform will enable members and citizen-led initiatives, to gather and share tools, knowledge, resources and pathways for mutual support, co-creation, and cultural re-education. In this way, the platform will serve to align, streamline and amplify our efforts towards exponential whole-system healing and transformation.
We will share more about the platform in upcoming newsletters. Please note that for now we are still a very small team, so we kindly request your patience with communications. We are very grateful to all who are offering to help in various ways, and we are working to create effective channels for all to be able to share their gifts in support of the fullest manifestation of the Codes.