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A Year of Sacred Renewal

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"When we unite across nations and cultures to prioritize the restoration of the planetary Waters and Water-cycle, we will activate an exponential healing process that will swiftly and dramatically benefit all of humanity and all of Life."

Building on World Water Year 2021, 7 Days of Rest & Sacred Renewal inaugurates World Water Year 2022 as we continue to unite globally for the healing of our planetary Waters.

2021 saw a growing presence of diverse and inspiring Water events, and over 100 organizations have now joined the
Global Alliance for a World Water Law. It's deeply inspiring to witness so many dedicated Water stewards who are leading the protection and restoration of Water across all sectors, cultures, traditions and countries uniting around the World Water Law as an activation strategy for exponential whole-system healing.

​​The year has also brought a strong partnership with the 
World Water Community who, during Uniting for Water (World Unity Week), officially launched their platform for unifying and organizing for the healing of our planetary Waters. We warmly invite you to join the platform as we move forward towards 2022 as a year of Sacred Renewal and Love and Wisdom in Action.

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January 1 - 7, 2021 ~ 7 Days of Rest & Radical Healing
7 Days of Rest & Radical Healing inaugurated World Water Year 2021 as a call-to-action for citizens of all nations, cultures and ages to unite for Life, and to collectively transform how we organize ourselves as a species. The event brought together a vast banquet of offerings from around the World dedicated to Water and the global adoption and implementation of the World Water Law. All offerings are freely available and can be viewed HERE.

March 20 - 22, 2021 ~ World Water Day
For World Water Day 2021, the Global Alliance partnered with the World Water Community to co-create Uniting for World Water Day which offered a global map of the many inspiring events that were organized for protecting, honoring and celebrating Water. Click HERE to find a list of events with links to their website.

June 19 - 26, 2021 ~ Uniting for WaterWorld Unity Week
World Unity Week is a free, annual global event, where Water and the World Water Law was represented and celebrated in numerous ways! There were two zoom rooms dedicated entirely to Water ~ the Uniting for Water and Voices of Water rooms. Click HERE to access inspiring interviews presentations, panels and workshops.

June 24, 2021 ~ Global Launch of World Water Community World Unity Week
The World Water Community is an online community platform dedicated to supporting the global-to-local healing and restoration of our planetary, and internal, Waters. The Community welcomes all individuals, communities, organizations, businesses and institutions who are passionate about collaborating and sharing knowledge, experience and resources for a world with healthy and thriving Water. Click HERE to learn more and join the World Water Community

June 24, 2021 ~ Launch of Water Resource Kit World Unity Week

The Water Resource Kit offers a free and accessible portal into the unfathomable world of Water – for all levels of interest and knowledge. It provides links of videos, articles, websites, organizations, courses, etc. to some of the most inspiring, educational, engaging and practical information about Water and Water Stewardship. Click HERE to discover the Water Resource Kit

September 22 ~ Equinox CeremonyGlobal Activation Circles

On September 22, 2021, over 70 "Activation Circles" formed around the world for a Global Equinox Ceremony dedicated to the protection and honoring of all Water. Many circles also read out the World Water Law. Together we renewed our sacred bonds with all Life. During this event a very special message came from a small group of "Sagas" who were holding space in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta of Colombia. Click HERE to learn more.

"Rejoice, because Mother Water has been born today in the Sierra – This is the formal announcement of a new cycle for the Water on planet Earth."
~ Message from the Sagas of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, 22.9.2021

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Introduction to World Water Year 


As millions around the world awaken to the reality that the complex and escalating global crises will not be resolved from within the same systems that created them, citizen movements are rising to lead healing and regenerative pathways forward.

Together, Codes for a Healthy EarthWorld Water Year 2022 and the World Water Law offer a holistic, regenerative strategy by mobilizing and supporting citizens of all nations to join forces for the exponential healing of our planetary Waters.

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Why Water?


Water is the source, sustenance, medicine and primary unifier of all Life. 99% of the molecules in our bodies are Water. Natural, uncontaminated Water is the basis for our survival and health.

When we prioritize healthy Water for all, all of Life benefits and no one is left behind.

Today, human abuse of Water is among the leading causes of war, conflict, poverty, disease, species extinction and ecosystem collapse. By focusing our collective attention and resources on healing our relationship with Water, we will inevitably deepen our understanding about:


  • our interconnectedness with all of Life

  • how to protect and nourish the conditions for Life to thrive

  • how to strengthen our individual and collective immune systems

  • holistic health and whole-system healing wisdom

  • our individual and collective accountability for the health of the whole

  • how to co-create and transition to new and life-enriching social systems

  • responsible stewardship of all Life

Healthy and abundant Water for all leads to healthy ecosystems, healthy food systems, healthy bodies, healthy minds and healthy cultures. When we learn to live in right relationship with Water, we learn to live in right relationship with all of Life. This collective, Water-centered process will in turn catalyze a self-organizing transformation of our social systems to re-align with the principles of healthy living systems.

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The Proposal for a World Water Law


The primary objective of World Water Year 2021 was to accelerate the global adoption and implementation of a World Water Law. The proposal for a World Water Law invites all of humanity to unite around the radical healing of the planetary Waters and Water cycle. This foundational law works to ensure that all humans and animals have guaranteed access to natural, uncontaminated Water. The proposal also calls for a binding international agreement to be put in place that holds all governments, corporations, communities and individuals fully accountable for their impact on all Waters everywhere. 

The proposal for the World Water Law is rooted in the original laws of Nature and basic common sense, and stands in stark contrast to the laws, mindsets and structures that currently govern our lives. 

When we apply whole-system healing wisdom to address the multitude of escalating global crises, we recognize that rapid and radical social and ecological healing is not only possible — it can be far simpler than we may have imagined.

The current global and country-based legal systems do not have efficient channels available for citizen-led laws to be proposed and adopted ~ no matter how good they may be for humanity and all of Life. As we encounter the rigidity and limitations of our global systems, it is important to remember that these systems are human-made and thus can be unmade.


If we are to effectively transform our diseased global systems, we cannot do so country by country, leader by leader, or law by law. If we are to protect and heal our shared planetary home, it is vital that all nation states collectively and simultaneously adopt internationally binding agreements that align with the Laws of Nature and that ensure the health and integrity of the entire Web of Life. 


As Water is essential to all humans and all of Life, the World Water Law offers a compelling, unifying foundation for a citizen-led movement towards radical whole-system transformation and healing.

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World Water Year 2021 ~ A Year of Radical Healing


World Water Year 2021 is a call-to-action for citizens of all nations, cultures and ages to unite for Life and to collectively transform how we organize ourselves as a species. The core purpose of World Water Year 2021 is to activate an extended period of time for individuals and groups to unite and collaborate for the global adoption and implementation of the World Water Law. 

Focusing our collective efforts towards healthy Water for all, World Water Year 2021 has the potential to catalyze a worldwide, whole-system healing process that will exponentially benefit all of Life.

By dedicating an entire year to a single, unifying cause, that is vital to all humanity and all Life, World Water Year 2021 provides a substantial time frame for building momentum and implementing the foundations for lasting change.

This bold and timely initiative is based on the understanding that the essential wisdom, skills, and creativity for making the World Water Law a global reality, already exist.

In almost every country there are numerous inspiring and impactful initiatives spanning all areas related to Water wisdom, healing, restoration and management. As we coordinate globally and locally, we will be able to align and amplify our efforts exponentially. The global community will be able to share findings, learnings, initiatives and resources ~ identifying, replicating, and scaling what works best.


The global community will support the creativity and experience in the field as we grow and self-organize for radical whole-system healing. While the overall organizing framework is decentralized, the shared purpose and vision, and an online collaboration platform (see below) will create a resonant and coherent field of intention and action. 

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A Collaboration and Networking Platform


The World Water Community is an online community platform dedicated to "Doing the Great Work to Heal Our Waters". The platform offers a variety of tools for groups to form, collaborate, share knowledge and more.

The World Water Community supports the proposal for a World Water Law and has kindly offered to be a co-host of the Global Alliance for a World Water Law.

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Areas of Action


Globally and locally, there is already an abundance of inspiring examples of solutions, best practices and initiatives that are aligned with the World Water Law. There is also a rapidly growing wealth of practical experience and knowledge around citizen-led movement building and mass actions to support a healthy way forward. Building on these understandings and experiences, World Water Year 2021 provides a unique opportunity for individuals and groups with diverse experiences, interests, skills and creativity to unify our efforts and resources towards a common cause - while amplifying our respective healing and regenerative projects in the process. 

World Water Year is essentially about mobilizing and supporting citizen and community-led action.

Given the unifying nature of Water, the community will span and weave together a global tapestry of Life-enriching relationships. As we work together to build the global network, we co-create a worldwide 'system of influence' that can mobilize around specific actions and events.


Here are some initial ideas and pathways for making the World Water Law a global reality: 


  • Gathering, showcasing and disseminating relevant information, data, maps and directories

  • Co-creating a global cross-sectoral network, dedicated to implementing the World Water Law

  • Watershed-based community-led organizating

  • Awareness raising, education & media campaigns

  • Political activism on local, national and global levels

  • Promoting transdisciplinary collaboration across all fields to identify, develop and implement best holistic practices 

  • Sacred ceremony & healing rituals


. . . and so much more. . .

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How to Get Involved


Here's a short list of initial steps to join the community and support World Water Year 2021:

  1. Join the Global Alliance for a World Water Law

  2. Join the World Water Community and join groups that align with your interests

  3. Read and endorse Codes for a Healthy Earth

  4. Read the article Bringing the World Water Law to Life

  5. Explore the Codes for a Healthy Earth website to understand the larger context

Together We Rise for Water!

Together We Rise for All of Life!

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Co-Creating a Thriving World for All of Life

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