Global Healing Ceremonies
March 22, 2020

Healing Women ~ Healing Water is a series of global events inviting participants around the world to co-create a global field of intention and prayer. The first Healing Women ~ Healing Water ceremony took place on February 6th and the resonance from the growing community has inspired the continuation of this event over the course of 2020.
Synchronistically, March 2020 brings two perfect opportunities for building this field of intention with International Women’s Day on the 8th and World Water Day on the 22nd.
Individuals and groups around the world are invited to participate in this online event, as well as to initiate and/or join ceremonies and activities on this day dedicated to Healing Women ~ Healing Water.
This month we focus on bridging the spiritual with the practical as we hone our collective intention and action towards co-creating the cultural and environmental conditions for all Women and all Waters to thrive ~ for we know that when Women and Water thrive, all parts of the whole planetary biosphere will thrive.
In this light, Healing Women ~ Healing Water invites participants to join hands, heads, and hearts around the Codes for a Healthy Earth. The Codes are guided by Feminine Wisdom and work uncompromisingly to support the healing of Women, Girls, Waters, and all of Life.
On March 22nd, at 8:55 pm GMT, the LIVE BROADCAST of the daily Global Silent Minute will, once again, be dedicated to Healing Women ~ Healing Water. Following the Global Silent Minute there will be a meditation inviting participants across the world to connect with and amplify the collective field of prayer for Healing Women ~ Healing Water.
This online ceremony will be live-streamed on the 7 Days of Rest Facebook page.
Please share this invitation with your networks and all who may wish to participate.
Suggested Guidelines for the online ceremony:
For the Healing Women ~ Healing Water online ceremony you are invited to bring a bowl or glass of Water and a ceremonial object that represents the Sacred Feminine. The ceremony will imbue both the Water and the ceremonial object with its blessing and vibration. Bring Water from the sea, a lake, a river, a spring, or even Water from your tap.
Following the ceremony, we suggest offering the blessed Water to the source from where it came, or to plants, animals, or Mother Earth.
You are invited to keep the ceremonial object in a sacred place (such as an altar) to anchor the intention knowing that this theme of Healing Women ~ Healing Water will continue throughout 2020 as we move towards 7 Days of Rest & Radical Healing, January 1 - 7, 2021.
Healing Women ~ Healing Water Facebook Community Space welcomes you to inspire and be inspired by others and to share your own blessings, impressions and reflections for and from this event.